多年来,CS Instruments 一直是压缩空气和气体测量仪领域全球领先的制造商。多年的压缩空气生产、分配和干燥经验被融入便携式和固定式测量仪的研发和生产之中。由此诞生了大量实用的压缩空气测量仪,比如露点测量仪、冷冻式和吸附式干燥机压力露点测量仪(依据 ISO 8573 标准)、压缩空气和气体流量/消耗量测量仪、可记录测量数据的图表记录仪、检漏仪和分析软件。
CS Instruments GmbH & Co. KG 所在地位于 24955 Harrislee 和 78052 VS-Tannheim,由工程硕士(专业技术大学)Wolfgang Blessing 担任唯一的总经理。 CS Instruments GmbH 由具有同等权限的股东/总经理 Christian Schuldt 和 Wolfgang Blessing 于 2002 年创建。
Wolfgang Blessing 在 2002 年创建 CS Instruments GmbH 之前,已经是工业测量领域的一名杰出的专家,他是黑森州一家全球著名压缩空气和气体测量仪生产商的产品经理,承担工业测量技术的主要责任。技术知识和经验与多年的实践知识相结合,是 CS Instruments 成功的基石。
CS Instruments 代表着经过考验的创新性压缩空气和气体测量技术,子公司和销售合作伙伴遍布全世界。员工人数从 2002 年初创时的 1 人发展到目前的约 85 人(截止至 2020 年 2 月)。 CS Instruments 持续投资于对员工的培训和现代化的露点/压力露点和流量或体积流量测量校准平台。这一持续性的投资是研发及之后在德国诞生新产品理想的基础。
CS Instruments 所有产品都在德国开发、生产和校准。CS Instruments同样注重不仅将“德国制造”这一口号停留在纸面上,还落实在实践中。因此我们格外注意尽可能确保我们的供应商同样来自德国。 因此我们有理由宣布,CS Instruments 多年来一直是压缩空气和气体测量技术领域全球领先的生产商。
Since 2002, the name CS Instruments stands for proven and innovative measurement technology for compressed air and gases, with subsidiaries and sales partners worldwide. The number of employees increased from one employee in the founding year 2002 to approximately 85 employees (as of February 2020).
CS Instruments GmbH & Co. KG with locations in 24955 Harrislee and 78052 Villingen-Schwenningen/ Tannheim, is managed by Dipl. Eng. (FH) Wolfgang Blessing as sole Managing Director.
CS Instruments GmbH was established in the year 2002 by Christian Schuldt and Wolfgang Blessing as equal shareholders/Managing Directors.
Wolfgang Blessing already was sound a specialist on the sector of compressed air technology resp. industrial measurement technology long before the establishment of CS Instruments GmbH in the year 2002. Prior to the foundation of CS Instruments GmbH Dipl. Ing. (FH) Wolfgang Blessing acted for more than 10 years as primarily responsible product manager for industrial measurement technology at a worldwide known manufacturer of measuring instruments for compressed air and gases in the Black Forest. The technical knowledge and experience matched with the long-term practical knowledge was the corner stone for the success of CS Instruments.
The name CS Instruments stands for proven and innovative measurement technology for compressed air and gases with subsidiaries and distributors all over the world. The number of staff members increased from 1 person in the founding year 2002 to currently about 85 staff members (as of Feb. 2020).
CS Instruments continuously invests into the further training of its staff members and in modern calibration stands for dew point/pressure dew point and flow measurement. This continuous investment is the basis for the research, development and the subsequent realization of new product ideas in Germany.
All products without any exception are developed, produced and calibrated in Germany. We also take care that the slogan “Made in Germany" is not only a sentence on a paper but is also put into practice. Furthermore we always try to make sure that also our suppliers – if possible – are German based.
For these reasons we can rightly claim that CS Instruments for years belongs to the worldwide leading manufacturers of measurement technology for compressed air and gases.
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